Hello. I’m Tyler Nichols. I’m a videographer, video editor, writer and photographer. I’ve worked in Film/Television in New Orleans (working on films like Hot Tub Time Machine 2, and TV shows like Top Chef). Over the last several years I’ve taken to working sporting events (mostly at the University of Northern Colorado) where I’ve served as Technical Director, Engineer, Replay Technician, and Camera Operator. If it involves video production, I can do it. I also spend my free time writing creative fiction and released my first book, “The Crimson Summer” in June of 2016. On the video front, I have operated the Youtube channel for “Wolf in a Gorilla Suit”, as well as my own channel, “Zombievictim” which is updated frequently with various videos, often film-related. I have moved on to work for Joblo Media Inc, where I write, narrate, and edit a variety of monthly series that are seen by tens of thousands (getting up to hundreds of thousands) of people. I’d love to provide for whatever your creative needs may be. Drop me a line below.